Tag "drink milk"

Vaginitis is often repeated menstruation? Foshan well?

In addition to abdominal pain, Dingbat negative amount, color, taste, and so there is no exception. Foshan, of course, if there’s Zhongshan hospital does not understand, you can consult the following Web site to other professional doctors, like Foshan gynecological network of gynecological asked expert advisory platform consulting doctors answer questions, ...

Birth 5 days of baby constipation

3 days without bowel movements your baby has. my baby is pure milk feeding. ask doctors have any good idea? I suggest or change a formula milk bars. with my home girl who eat too much beauty and kindness, the milk price is in gear, and more can offer many. actual price particularly high milk isn’t, but publicity bigger, playing some of the brands hard, ...

Baby 14 months should add something secondary food?

My baby has 14 months, the most recent poor appetite are unknown to him a little better what secondary food?? If it is pure breast feeding, wait six months to be added, if it is artificial feeding, four months is going to start adding up. Add a complementary objective is to supplement inadequate human milk nutrition, the second is to increase nutrition to ...

Your baby often drink milk drink qushi soups as well?

Your baby often drink milk will not be moisture very heavy Ah, often drink milk the baby to not drink qushi soups, which breaking qushi drink best? 11 months of your baby eat rotten rice which do what food to eat, but how is this dish? usually burn something to drink the best soups? Baby needs a large quantity of water per day, per-feed water per meal milk ...